Topics covered in the training and ongoing coaching will include (but are not limited to):

  • Understanding the biggest challenges of transitioning to the “real world” and how to overcome them

  • Realizing the benefits and value of having a SuperNetwork™ to access people and companies they could not on their own

  • Completing a self-analysis to identify their strengths, talents, passion and align them with their skill set, possible vocations and determine industries and geographies of interest to narrow down the search

  • Having a clear mental picture of their profile opportunity to make it easy for people to help them

  • Learning the three key ingredients of a successful and memorable it-moment pitch and being able to articulate their own 

  • Setting clear networking objectives and building a network strategy on a macro and micro level to achieve specific goals

  • Building their own SuperNetwork™ and learn how to “peel the onion” until they get to the core-the “right person” who will help   

  • Knowing the dos and don’ts of networking and become more comfortable in any setting

  • Understanding the critical Golden Rules of social media etiquette and behaving accordingly

  • Preparing properly to make a great first impression when speaking to referrals

  • Knowing how to approach contacts and referrals to get the outcome they want

  • Learning phrases to avoid and how to handle “what if” situations

  • Utilizing methods to stay in touch, keep lines of communication open and strong, and remain highly visible to their network

  • Building, maintaining, and increasing the value of their network of contacts

  • Developing a steady flow of opportunities with contacts and referrals

  • Using an accountability system to track progress and monitor results

End Result:

  • Creating and maintaining a sustainable and repeatable networking process for immediate, long-term career growth and life

  • Targeting and being introduced to exactly whom they want to meet through “warm introductions” creating legitimate opportunities

  • Instilling discipline, structure, and accountability into their networking activities that will separate them from their competition

  • Being ready to seamlessly transition to the real world optimizing the “it is not what you know but whom you know” axiom to open doors

  • Controlling their own destiny by maintaining their SuperNetwork™ for life by constantly working this methodology

  • Becoming a resourceful and well-connected person

  • A real-world approach that will turn their essential job search into an invaluable life skill