SuperNetworking™ is the first method that transforms the concept of networking from something vague into a repeatable step-by-step concrete system that is swift, deliberate, effective and is easy to follow.

  • We have a turn-key solution that can be implemented immediately addressing two critical components of the NCAA’s Transformative Committee’s “holistic model” mandate: career preparedness and life skills that ensures compliance.

  • We are one-of-a-kind in the fact we are the only networking, content, training and coaching organization that has created a customized “program exclusively for athletes that teaches them how to skillfully build and maintain relationships, and transition seamlessly and comfortably to a life after college sports.

  • We give every student athlete training and coaching based on a foundation. Every student athlete receives a copy of the book, SuperNetworking™ for Athletes: Real World Ready for Life and workbook, SuperNetworking™ for Athletes: Transition to the Real World. There are no other books, content, training and coaching programs developed exclusively for student athletes for career preparedness, relationship building and management, and the development of an invaluable life skill.

  • We have three books written on the subject of SuperNetworking™. In addition, the President was an executive with publicly traded and privately held companies hiring 100+ people in is career. He was also the co-founder of a nationally recognized executive search firm and placed countless executives in Fortune 500 companies. We know how to best position student athletes to land their first job.

  • We have a proven track record of results. Our curriculum, workbook, book, training and ongoing coaching system is time-tested in other industries as well as with select schools and has a high endorsement factor from NCAA leadership, coaches, athletic directors, league commissioners and NABC Board members.

  • We are flexible. We can work with career services to be an additive and fill in the gaps with our customized content, training and ongoing coaching or we can work directly with the athletic departments.